Samhain - Halloween
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$20.00Now $16.00 -
$49.00$36.00 -
$141.00Now $80.00 -
$31.00Now $26.00 -
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Most of our current Halloween traditions began with the Celts. Disguises, mischief, and asking for treats were all part of the ancient festival of Samhain (pronounced "Sow-en"), considered to be the celebration that lay at the origin of Halloween. Samhain marked the Celtic New Year, the end of summer, along with Beltane, it marks one of two periods when the veil between the world of the living and of the dead is thinnest. We honor Celtic ancestors through traditional and energetic rituals including dancing, feasting, trick treats running, and gifting. If you are looking for the best unique Halloween gift ideas for men, women, and kids with Celtic designs and symbols, browse our collection. Celebrate the Celtic Halloween ( Samhain) with our large selection of gifts, decorations, clothing, and accessories especially curated for Samhain to bring a drop of magic and mischief. Explore the mythical and folklore meanings of ravens, cats, owls, and dragons in a multitude of shades, materials, and shapes. This fall Gaelsong brings treats and Halloween gifts instead of tricks.